Congress venue
Palais de la Bourse de Bordeaux
19 place de la Bourse
33000 Bordeaux

Audience target
Cardiac and thoracic surgeons, cardiovascular surgeons, vascular surgeons, angiologists, interns and nurses interested in the subject.


For security reasons, name badges must be worn to access the sessions and the exhibition.
Joining the congress
Located in the hypercenter of Bordeaux, on the edge of the quays, the Palais de la Bourse enjoys an ideal location, making it easily accessible by all means of transportation.
By plane, from Bordeaux-Mérignac Airport
- several daily flights to the main European hubs
- direct flights to the main European capitals
- daily flights to all major French cities
- daily shuttles from Bordeaux-Mérignac airport to the city center and the Bordeaux train station. More infirmations:
By train, from the Saint-Jean station
- TGV: 20 daily return trips from Paris to Bordeaux – 2 hours.
- The train station is 10 minutes away by tramway (Line C, direction Parc des Expositions / Stade ” Matmut Atlantique “, stop ” Place de la Bourse “)
By tram :
- Line C : direct from the Gare Saint-Jean (10 min), direction Parc des Expositions / Stade ” Matmut Atlantique “, stop ” Place de la Bourse “.
- More informations:
By car :
- A10 (Bordeaux-Paris), A62 (Bordeaux-Toulouse), A63 (Bordeaux-Bayonne), A65 (Bordeaux-Pau),
- A89 (Bordeaux-Clermont-Lyon) and A8 (Bordeaux-Nice)
- The Palais de la Bourse has three underground parking lots, 1,620 spaces available to park your vehicle, a large part of which is located directly under the Palais.
By cab :
- 400 cabs are available to take you to the Palais de la Bourse.
- Taxis Télé ( : 05 56 96 00 34
- Aquitaine Taxis Radio ( : 05 56 86 80 30
- Taxis 33 ( : 05 56 74 95 06